PowerPCB 1.09



Ok, I think the problem is. I have wrong pinout of source and drain.
I got this MOSFET from reichelt.de:
Here the datasheet from reichelt:
The pinout of IRF9540N is (from left to right): Gate Drain Source. But if I measure with multimeter Drain + and Source -, I see diode voltage, what is ok is if I would measure Source + and Drain -. Ok it seems to bee I have Gate Source Drain pinout.

In the next step I switch source and drain in wiring on PCB an it works as expected! WTF!!! This peece of sheet goes back to reichelt.
That's crap, is it also available as an n-channel?
Maybe we need to look for another p-channel?
But if I measure with multimeter Drain + and Source -, I see diode voltage, what is ok is if I would measure Source + and Drain -.
Or wait a moment... it is a p-chanel MOSFET then is that ok Drain + and Source - should be diode voltage. But why it works as expected if I change drain and source wiring... I'm out of ideas...
Argh I've been painstakingly making sure that I use exactly the same components in KiCad and now after the hundreds of comparisons, I realise that Q2 and Q4 are mirrored in the settings.
Can I dispose of all the boards again 🤬
I'm trying to find some with larger holes.
If you notice anything else, please let me know, I don't want to throw any more circuit boards in the Trash.

If you have your PCB ready, should I also order it, saves shipping costs?
The hole is currently 1.1mm, is 1.3mm enough?
Make the footprint a bit bigger again or I have to try to change the current footprint
The hole is currently 1.1mm, is 1.3mm enough?
Yes is enough (1.2mm should be also ok)
I don't want to throw any more circuit boards in the Trash.
I think current version isn't trash, with small modifications it is still useable
If you have your PCB ready, should I also order it, saves shipping costs?
I'm still working on it, I don't know, when I will be done. Just let me know if you want place the order, if I'm done with my design, then we can order both of them
I have now mirrored Q2 and Q4 and enlarged the holes for D3 and D5 slightly.

I think current version isn't trash, with small modifications it is still useable
Yes, if you twist the pins, but it's not so nice, it's supposed to be proper.

The circuit board would be ready to order, unless you find something else :-)
One more thing, the holes for D3 and D5 are to small I have to drill out it to get mount SB1240
I don't remember, but I think i don't use SB1240 but smaller one to fit in the hole.

it's not cool, but with Kicad you need to always check the footprint of all component :mad:
The circuit board would be ready to order, unless you find something else
Wired everything together, seems to running, but no time to perform further tests. Maybe on friday.

What about marks scl and sda, in my opinion it should be also changed, no one from us has INA with marked sda and scl pinout.

And last but not least, what about that:
New wiring of INA

Also it would be helpful to put both I2C together as option, maybe two jumpers what connects SDA1 with SDA0 and SCL0 with SCL1. If someone (like me) is using only one I2C then he/she have to connect jumpers if not just leave it without
Wired everything together, seems to running, but no time to perform further tests. Maybe on friday.
What about marks scl and sda, in my opinion it should be also changed, no one from us has INA with marked sda and scl pinout.
That can i change.
And last but not least, what about that:
New wiring of INA
Can you confirm that it works like this?
Then Bernard would probably have to adapt his code?
Also it would be helpful to put both I2C together as option, maybe two jumpers what connects SDA1 with SDA0 and SCL0 with SCL1. If someone (like me) is using only one I2C then he/she have to connect jumpers if not just leave it without
I recently saw a solution where you can set the address of the INAS via jumpers on the PCB without soldering the Inas. I thought it was a good idea, but of course I didn't save it.
Remember that INA3231 is 26.2V max ,But work for me at 29.4V sender perimeter.
Also 2 totaly different wiring on the market for this component.

For INA226 PCB you need to test :
shunt A1 to GND and A0 to SCL and test the pcb to see if it work at adress 0x43
Repeat on the 2 other adress 0x45 and 0x47 with the correct shunt.

If it's OK : connect all 6 modules on the same I2C line and test again to see if the total resistor on i2c line is ok,
Finaly If all is OK simply remove the second line of I2C and connect all INA226 on only one line