Be careful on some reference.Here is a small description of Components you will need:
BOOM File for PowerPCB
BOOM File for MainPCB
On power PCB:
No INA169 are needed :For sense motor and battery you need INA226 ->1 for battery and one for each motor ,so for 3D printer with 2 mow motor you need 5 INA226 and the 5 * R010 CMS resistor to replace the R100 one.
On Main PCB:
ESP32 DEV KIT V1 or perfectly pin compatible one.
GY-521 some PCB have the SDA and SCL not assigned like the PCB -> 3.3V/GND/SCL/SDA and not 3.3V/GND/SDA/SCL
R11 and LED 3V are not needed the ESP32 have a red one.
D7 you can replace by a shunt and take care in the +/- in the J25 5V connector .
If you use D7 you need to adjust DC/DC step down to have 5V at the output of the diode.
Remember that Code for teensy is actually in test !!