STATE_OFF, // off
STATE_REMOTE, // model remote control (R/C)
STATE_FORWARD, // drive forward
STATE_ROLL, // drive roll right/left
STATE_REVERSE, // drive reverse
STATE_CIRCLE, // drive circle
STATE_ERROR, // error
STATE_PERI_FIND, // perimeter find
STATE_PERI_TRACK, // perimeter track
STATE_PERI_ROLL, // perimeter roll
STATE_PERI_REV, // perimeter reverse
STATE_STATION, // in station
STATE_STATION_CHARGING, // in station charging
STATE_STATION_CHECK, //checks if station is present
STATE_STATION_REV, // charge reverse
STATE_STATION_ROLL, // charge roll
STATE_STATION_FORW, // charge forward
STATE_MANUAL, // manual navigation
STATE_ROLL_WAIT, // drive roll right/left
STATE_PERI_OUT_FORW, // outside perimeter forward driving without checkPerimeterBoundary()
STATE_PERI_OUT_REV, // outside perimeter reverse driving without checkPerimeterBoundary()
STATE_PERI_OUT_ROLL, // outside perimeter rolling driving without checkPerimeterBoundary()
STATE_PERI_OBSTACLE_REV, // perimeter reverse when hit obstacle
STATE_PERI_OBSTACLE_ROLL, // perimeter roll when hit obstacle
STATE_PERI_OBSTACLE_FORW, // perimeter forward after roll obstacle
STATE_PERI_OBSTACLE_AVOID, // perimeter circle to avoid obstacle
STATE_NEXT_LANE_FORW, // use after roll to reach the next lane
STATE_PERI_OUT_STOP, // use to stop slowly on perimeter before reverse
STATE_PERI_OUT_LANE_ROLL1,// roll always to 135 deg with brake
STATE_PERI_OUT_LANE_ROLL2,// roll one wheel to put in straight line with brake
STATE_PERI_OUT_ROLL_TOINSIDE, // outside perimeter rolling driving without checkPerimeterBoundary()
STATE_WAIT_AND_REPEAT, // use to repeat a state until something change for example find again perimeter by rolling
STATE_FORWARD_ODO, // drive forward odometry control straigh line and not speed in rpm
STATE_PERI_OUT_ROLL_TOTRACK, // outside perimeter rolling driving without checkPerimeterBoundary()
STATE_PERI_STOP_TOTRACK, // brake when reach the wire before roll to start tracking
STATE_AUTO_CALIBRATE, //wait until the drift is stopped and adapt the gyro and compass
STATE_ROLL_TO_FIND_YAW, //try to find the compass yaw = yawheading
STATE_TEST_MOTOR, //use to test the odometry motor
STATE_STOP_TO_FIND_YAW, // brake before roll to find yaw
STATE_STOP_ON_BUMPER, //stop immediatly on bumper
STATE_STOP_CALIBRATE, //don't move during 15 sec for DMP autocalibration.
STATE_SONAR_TRIG, // when sonar detect obstacle brake gently before reverse
STATE_STOP_BEFORE_SPIRALE, //brake gently before start the spirale
STATE_MOW_SPIRALE, //mowing a CIRCLE ARC of increaseing diameter to make the spirale
STATE_ROTATE_RIGHT_360, // simple mowing rotation at the beginning of the spirale
STATE_ESCAPE_LANE, //grass is high need to reduce the lenght of the lane
STATE_PERI_STOP_TOROLL, //use when timer start the mowing or when tracking and find RFID need to stop before roll
STATE_ROLL_TONEXTTAG, //use when tracking and find RFID tag the mower roll to new heading
STATE_PERI_STOP_TO_NEWAREA, //use when tracking and find RFID need to stop before roll to leave the area
STATE_ROLL1_TO_NEWAREA, //use when tracking and find RFID need to roll to leave the area
STATE_DRIVE1_TO_NEWAREA, //use when tracking and find RFID need to drive to leave the area
STATE_ROLL2_TO_NEWAREA, //use when tracking and find RFID need to roll to leave the area
STATE_DRIVE2_TO_NEWAREA, //use when tracking and find RFID need to drive to leave the area
STATE_WAIT_FOR_SIG2, //use when the area 2 wait until sender send the signal
STATE_STOP_TO_NEWAREA, //use to stop the mower in straight line after long distance moving with ODO and IMU
STATE_PERI_OUT_STOP_ROLL_TOTRACK, // after the mower rool to track we need to stop the right motor because it's reverse and the track is forward
STATE_PERI_STOP_TO_FAST_START, // after the mower find a tag for find a new start entry point
STATE_CALIB_MOTOR_SPEED, // we need to know how may ticks the motor can do in 1 ms to compute the maxododuration
STATE_ACCEL_FRWRD, // when start from calib or off need to accel before motorodo
STATE_ENDLANE_STOP, //when mower is at the end of the lane avoid to reverse before roll
STATE_START_FROM_STATION, //when mower is station and a start command is receive need to start again IMU ,perimeter signal etc....
STATE_BUMPER_REV, // rev when bumper is hit
STATE_WAIT_COVER, // on start wait until user close the security cover