I did this already, but this is onla a short time solution. I tried to remove the mounting plate, but cannot disassemble the gear from the shaft. The motor is a standard size, but the correct gear is needed.A little bit of oil from both sides?
I did this already, but this is onla a short time solution. I tried to remove the mounting plate, but cannot disassemble the gear from the shaft. The motor is a standard size, but the correct gear is needed.A little bit of oil from both sides?
I tried to remove it with a special tool, but no success.The gear ist just pressed, I think.
@Sascha Bis jetzt funktioniert das prima. Ich würde aber mir noch etwas überlegen, wie man die ganze 24V Strecke, wo auch der DC/DC-Wandler dran hängt, vor Überspannung zu schützen. Das würde sich auch gut für den Teensy und das GPS machen.Funktioniert das so bei dir? Dann würde ich das in der nächsten PowerPCB anpassen.
Dann kann ich die MBR1045 bei den Ausgängen auch weglassen, da die das eigentlich verhindern sollten.
Im currently on build up an (old and big) Bosch Indego conversion with the Teensy. I think in 1-2 days i will open a new thread with the platform specific questions and solutions.The Q4 was died for sure. This can happen if the GS-Voltage will exceed 24V (datasheet: Vgs max = 20V). I did a change on the power PCB after I had the same problem - see pdf attached. Also the "cheap" Mosfets from Amazon or Ali are not the best quality, better to use it from a qualified source (Conrad, Reichelt, RS...).
The main issue is, that the motors working as a generator if they break or just reduce its speed, this can kill the DC/DC converter too.
Do you have idea on how this append.No voltage on the DCDC converter, it must be the IRF9540 (Q4) again.
I suppose you use TEENSYBER ?After a few attempts, I started the teensy a few times with the 3.3v from the ESP, everything is working again... I don't know why!? Now I'll have to keep testing and find the right settings.
How did you set up your RL2000? Motor, ODO?