
Hello Bernard,
Would it be possible to work with half degree angles when setting the angle in the “ByLane” settings!? For example 45 and 134.5 back. I think that would be perfect for the route. I have the problem that when setting the angle for the tracks, 135 degrees is too little and 134 degrees is too much.
Something in between would be great, I think!?

Hallo Bernard,
wäre es denn möglich bei der Winkeleinstellung in der "ByLane" einstellungen auch mit halben Grad winkeln zu arbeiten!? Zum Beispiel 45 und 134.5 zurück. das wäre glaube ich Perfekt für die Fahrtstrecke. Ich habe das Problem das bei Winkeleinstellung für die Bahnen 135 Grad zu wenig und 134 Grad zuviel ist. Etwas dazwischen wäre Super denke ich!?
Speed is reduce about 70 % for 3 seconds.

You can only adjust this into code for normal drive
it's sonarSpeedCoeff = 0.70; for speed
and nextTimeCheckSonar = millis() + 3000; for duration

 if ((sonarDistRight != NO_ECHO) && (sonarDistRight < sonarTriggerBelow)) {  //right
        if (!sonarLikeBumper) {
          sonarSpeedCoeff = 0.70;
          nextTimeCheckSonar = millis() + 3000;
        else {
          distToObstacle =  sonarDistRight;
          ShowMessage("Sonar Right Trigger at cm : ");
          ShowMessageln (distToObstacle);
          if (mowPatternCurr == MOW_LANES) setNextState(STATE_SONAR_TRIG, rollDir); //don't change the rotation if lane mowing
          else setNextState(STATE_SONAR_TRIG, LEFT);
      if ((sonarDistLeft != NO_ECHO) && (sonarDistLeft < sonarTriggerBelow)) {  //LEFT
        if (!sonarLikeBumper) {
          sonarSpeedCoeff = 0.70;
          nextTimeCheckSonar = millis() + 3000;

You can adjust this feature when mower is tracking (use to dock at low speed) into arduremote setting station (docking speed) but it's only when tracking and only the left sonar is check

I might need some help here too.
I would like to install a small, simple ramp so that it doesn't accelerate from 70 (SONARspeedCoeff) percent to 100 too suddenly, but rather more evenly. But everything I found as a ramp solution was very complex and took a lot of writing.
My question is whether there is perhaps a short, simple version. Similar to increments of 5 up to 100 percent or something!?
Thank you very much....

Ich bräuchte auch hier evtl. nochmal etwas hilfe.
Ich würde gerne eine kleine simple Rampe einbauen, das er nicht zu Ruckartig von 70 (SonarSpeedCoeff) Prozent auf 100 beschleunigt sondern etwas gleichmäßiger. aber alles was ich so gefunden habe als Rampen lösung war sehr aufwendig und viel vom schreiben her. meine frage ist ob es da evtl. eine kurze einfache variante gibt. ähnlich wie in 5er schritten bis 100 prozent oder so!?
Danke schön....
For example 45 and 134.5 back.
I think no ,because the accuracy of IMU if +/- 2 degree, so no interest here to have a .5 increment.
Test for more time and you can see that after time, IMU drift and your parallel setting is destroy.
I never use perfect parallel lane ,but more zig-zag one to have a faster mowing result, because (result of drifting) sometime mower can mow on the same lane for more than 20 minutes.

Test for 50 or 100 hours to see and understand what i explain ;)
I might need some help here too.
I would like to install a small, simple ramp so that it doesn't accelerate from 70 (SONARspeedCoeff) percent to 100 too suddenly, but rather more evenly. But everything I found as a ramp solution was very complex and took a lot of writing.
My question is whether there is perhaps a short, simple version. Similar to increments of 5 up to 100 percent or something!?
Thank you very much....
I take a look to see if i can do something here, but i don't have sonar on my mower to test , so you need to test it by yourself.
It's only when accel, or also when reduce speed.?
Oh very nice.
Yes, it only happens when accelerating from 70% (0.70 coeff) to 100%.
Then he jerks with full force. When driving on slopes, this sometimes means that the engine load is recognized as overload and the engine thinks it has started moving.
Bernard, I installed and tested the new software version.
Simply brilliant, works great.
And the new function to regulate the speed via the app, brilliant!!!
Thank you....

first video the old version and second video the new one with ramp...

