First Design Perimeter Sender

Can you explain what is working and not working because it's difficult to understand using Google translate.
Display is not OK ??
Ina and the screen don't work with Sascha's code. I've tried the libraries and can't get them to work. I swapped the ina library with the INA226_WE and commented out each OLED entry and the ina works. I tried the u8g2lib in a test code with the screen and it works. I swapped the acrobat library with the u8g2lib but they don't work in the code. I do not know why. The code gets stuck.

This is tho code who is running without the screen:
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It's the same code as Bernard's Wifi transmitter, except I replaced the part with the INAs.
Have you tested Bernard's code to see if the OLED works with it?
Ina and the screen don't work with Sascha's code. I've tried the libraries and can't get them to work. I swapped the ina library with the INA226_WE and commented out each OLED entry and the ina works. I tried the u8g2lib in a test code with the screen and it works. I swapped the acrobat library with the u8g2lib but they don't work in the code. I do not know why. The code gets stuck.

This is tho code who is running without the screen:
Certainly I2C issue , Normally screen was OK with my code and INA3231 on ESP32.
Library for INA226 and ESP32 , i don't know and i need to test, but if you find one working without screen it's OK (did you leave the screen plug on the PCB with the working code ?)
Screen Work for me, Had to Swap the i2c Pins in Code for the INAs and swap the Cable for the OLED to have the correct I2C Pins, but it work.
But it does not show me that the cable is defective, even though I have not connected one.


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Breadboard test with Bernards components. The screen ist dark... When i do a reset, the screen lights up and than it ist dark.

Same screen Like in my mower. Testcode with u8g2lib works.

Console stops at "New sigcode size : 24"

Stops at OLED.init()


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Bernards code stopps at OLED.init()
Same with your code.


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The teensymower works with the same Display and the U8g2 library as SH1106!!! Could that be the fault? Incompatible Screen?
Hm have now added a simple output to the Serial Monitor to be output at each LOOP.
The loop seems to stop, but I don't know exactly where.
It seems to run up to here, then it seems to stop:
It could be in the INA226.cpp, row 376 and 406.

while(!Wire.available()) {};

I think there is no Wire available and then it runs in the loop unlimited.
Nein habe ich nicht, aber ich habe vergessen die Adresse für den Ina zu ändern.

I forgot to change the address for the INA.
Zumindest läuft der Code weiter, wenn ich den beiden INAS die gleiche Adresse gebe.
Ich kann die Adresse heute auf dem Ina nicht mehr ändern, Lötzin alle.
I've updated my code. Now it's still running!
I have swapped the librarys I2C and Arcobotic to I2C_WE and U8g2lib. There are still small changes planned for the content displayed on the screen, but the mainpart is running stable.
I don't know why the original code don't work for me.
There ist a fault in the code! Worktime ist everytime 0 If AUTO_START_SIGNAL ist true.


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I have now tested the code and it does not work for me and my OLED
As soon as the OLED is activated, it constantly loses the serial connection and the display does not work, no matter which setting I use for the display.
If I deactivate the display, the code works
Wich code do you mean? The code from Bernard, the code you are working on or the code i' ve worked on?
Your Code.
The OLED does not work with your Code.
The Serial Connection seems to be a problem of the IDE or so.
Try different Boards in the Arduino IDE. I Work with the dev Version and the wroom Version. I dont know yet wich one was the right one...