Simple PCB für Ardumower (discontinued)

Ah it seems we're talking about different PCBs? Power PCB for Teensy is different than the one in first picture (labeled as V1.02)? The picture of Bernhard showing Tianchen chassis seems also to be equipped with INA169 from Marotronics and doesn't use INA226.
Yes, on the Tianchen he used the V 1.02 and for the Teensy he has make a new one with 2x INA226 but you can also used booth with the normal Battery.
I think with your 42V you must use the PowerPCB V 1.02 and check the Mosfets and Resistors. The irf9540 mosfet can handle 100V. But for Battery Voltage you will need other Resistors.
Hi Bernard and Sascha, living in France, I just found your topic; really interesting !!! I found a mower on thingiverse to be printed and discovered the ardumower concept. I saw the new mothercard 1.4 used to control the mower, but I wouldn't go in this direction because if there's a problem on one part of the card, you have to change thisone??? woww $$$ .
I'd prefere a lighter solution like arduino.
Well, I'm not a pro on programms building; I like to build with things I manage to find on the web, like your project.
I'd like to know your meaning about printing a mower like thisone and install your PCB cards ? I saw that you gone on Tianchen basis to install your PCB's. Also they are many versions in your project ? whichone could be used to be installed in my futur 3D print and that I could upgrade step by step? I tried to find gerber files but Github is not really my friend... :D . Thanks for all those incredible informations made available. Laurent, Alsace(France).
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Bonjour Laurent,
Thank you for your replay :-)
The idea behind this project is that you can fit the PCB's into any housing. Bernard has converted both the Tianchen and Robomow to the PCB's and both work wonderfully.
If I were you, I would use the Teensy PCB with the PowerPCB and Bernard's Azuritber Teensy version as software.

@Bernard is also from France, maybe he still has a PCB Set available?

As I am currently involved with my family and building a 3D printer, I have not yet made any progress with my mower, but I will be making more after Christmas.

The Chassis is from User @Paddy here in the Forum, it should work.
Woww !! thanks Sascha for your quick reply ! :) Ok super !!! I will take your advice and take this direction for my build. I think I will build the PCBs and in the same time print the chassis.
Let me know Bernard if you already have the right PCBs I need; in other case I would order thisones by jlcpcb, if I find the gerber files. :)
Hi, could you let me know if those PCBs are the right ones and are the only ones I need to order by jlcpcb? sending costs are really much expensive between last year so if there's other ones to order ; maybe a recharge station ?... (ladegeräte). Thanks ! I will order tomorrow... well today it's 01:40 now... :)


  • PowerBoard V1_06.jpg
    PowerBoard V1_06.jpg
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I tried to open this file but there is no "Ardumower-job.gbrjob" file in it => teensy_gerber .
Also, there's no Teensy 4.1 on the Main PCB I sent in my previous mail... so I must be wrong.
Sorry, as I told you, I'm not good friend with github :D .
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You will need TEENSY_PCB_V1.01 and these Power Board.
Or if you can wait 1-2 Days than i can make Zip File with the Gerber Files or perhaps Today in the Afternoon.
Bernard's files are a bit messed up because he started with my first version of the board, which was still called Ardumower.
I tried to make a zip file but the file ""-job.gbrjob is missing. I didn't managed to export my zip file on jlcpcb. Thanks for your help. :)