
Staff member
I just found this interesting HAT for the Raspberry Pi.
If I read it correctly, you can use it as an RTK base station.
There is also the LC29HDA, which you should be able to use in the Mower.
At that price, I could well imagine testing it.

Anyone interested in sacrificing themselves :-)
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, dann gibt es von dem LC29 (XX) verschiedene Ausführungen, wo die günstigen dann nicht RTK fähig sind.
Aber so toll scheint der nicht zu sein, wie ich im AutoSteering Forum gelesen habe. Der UM980 soll besser sein, spielt dann aber auch wieder in einer anderen Preisliga, wie das simpleRTK.
Hey everyone!

I was browsing AliExpress and found a cheap RTK module that does what it needs to. Its model is LC29HEA, 10Hz, and it costs only $65. Based on my online research, it really delivers what it promises.

LC29HEA 10Hz